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What’s the Difference Between Fiber, Cable, and Broadband Internet?

In today’s digital world, few businesses can survive without a high-speed internet connection. You need to send emails, manage your social media accounts, look up information, host video meetings, and perform countless other tasks every single day. Between fiber, cable, and broadband—with so many choices, which option is best for your business?

The Differences Between Fiber, Cable and Broadband

Cable internet is exactly what it sounds like. If you decide to go with cable internet, you’ll need a physical cable to connect to the network. Cable is the most common type of internet across the United States, although other types—like fiber optics—are slowly catching up. This type of internet isn’t the fastest and requires additional equipment like a modem to complete installation.

Broadband is similar to old-school dial-up internet. If you’re working in a rural area, this might be the only option that you have available. Unfortunately, broadband has the slowest speeds and offers a limited amount of bandwidth. You’ll also have to connect to the internet over your phone line. Unlike old-fashioned dial-up internet, broadband allows you to use your phone and browse the internet at the same time.

Fiber is the most advanced type of internet on the market. Fiber optics haven’t been installed everywhere in the U.S., but if your area has fiber connectivity, you can enjoy fast internet speeds and a quick download time. Fiber connectivity is especially common in cities and areas with a large population.

Which Option Is Best for Your Business?

If you’re like most people, your first instinct might be to look for a fiber optics provider. However, some areas don’t have fiber optics or offer similar internet services from a cheaper provider. To run a successful business, you know that you need to cut unnecessary spending as much as possible. How can you find the best deal for your business?

At ACR Solutions, we can help you assess your options and choose the right internet provider for your business. If your business has multiple locations, we can assist you in choosing an internet provider for every office. We’ll also help you manage your bills and keep track of your providers so you’ll never miss a payment. 

When you work with ACR Solutions, we’ll regularly audit your bills and negotiate with your provider to make sure that you’re getting the best price. Visit our website to learn more about our services or contact us to get started.