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Hybrid IT Provides Unique Benefits for Enterprises Pursuing Digital Transformation

Digital transformation looks different for every enterprise. Each will have varying adoption and deployment dates for meeting different business goals, and will have their own expectations for how digital transformation will change daily business processes. Along the way to adopting cloud technology, many enterprises hit a perfect balance with hybrid IT.

Hybrid IT is the optimization of both on-premise and cloud solutions. Many enterprises seek out this approach because they have legacy systems that can’t make a clean move to the cloud or because they find there are benefits to hybrid IT that can’t be achieved with a fully cloud-based IT structure.

A recent survey commissioned by Hewlett Packard Enterprise and conducted by IDC found that there are some trends emerging in how enterprises are utilizing hybrid IT for their business processes and overall objectives. There are several ways in which hybrid IT provides a valuable alternative to full cloud adoption:

Cost optimization: In some cases, the best way to reduce costs is through a hybrid approach. Enterprise executives can optimize cost and performance, and the use of a dashboard gives them access to key information about how they are meeting their cost savings objectives with the current mix of on-premise and multi-cloud systems in place.

Convenient DevOps Platform: Enterprises can use hybrid IT as a continuous DevOps platform, with a common pool of application program interfaces (APIs) appropriate for on-premise and cloud processes. Developers and operations staff can concentrate on deploying applications and delivery instead of focusing on managing infrastructure.

Time Management: Hybrid IT allows for more fluid management of tasks. The provisioning and de-provisioning of storage, fabric instances, and autonomous commute are possible through hybrid IT. Personnel are able to manage tasks through a low ops model that visualizes infrastructure code through a single API, allowing tasks to be completed in minutes that might have taken hours in a conventional provisioning setup.

Virtual Cloud Services: A hybrid environment gives IT enterprises leverage as a virtual cloud services provider. IT professionals can determine the right mix of private and public services, including Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) or Virtual Machine as a Service (VMaaS), among others.

At ACR Solutions, we pride ourselves on finding the most efficient, cost-effective hybrid IT solutions and overseeing the full deployment and management of new services. We look forward to an opportunity to learn about your company. Make an appointment with ACR today.